
Yes or No Wheel

1. What is Yes or No Wheel?

A Yes or No Wheel is a tool used to randomly select between two options, typically "yes" or "no." It's often used for decision-making or when faced with indecision. The wheel is divided into sections, with each section representing one of the options. When spun, the pointer lands on one of the sections, determining the outcome. It's a simple yet fun way to make decisions, especially when you're torn between two choices. You can find digital versions online or use physical ones, like spinning wheels or roulette-style decision makers.

2. How to use Yes or No Wheel?

Click the spin button and wait for the wheel to rotate. After the rotation is completed, the part pointed by the pointer is the result.

(1) There are three yes and three no by default. You can customize the text on the wheel.

(2) After getting the result, if you select Remove this result, the options on the wheel will delete the result you selected and put the result in the Results on the right; if you select Don't Remove, nothing will be done.

(3) Color Category can set the style color of the wheel

(4) Text on the right, you can set the text on the wheel

(5) Results on the right displays the results.